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Property Search

Property Identification

Tips for searching by Property ID

Property IDs are unique identifiers for properties. They are purely numeric, and can range from two digits to seven digits.

  • This field looks for an exact match on the Property ID field. This is the best way to find a particular property if you know it's complete Property ID. If you do not know the property's complete Property ID, please leave this field blank.
  • If you know your property's Property ID, no other criteria is necessary. You'll always be able to find an exact match!
  • Example: 2625294

Tips for searching by Geographic ID

Geographic IDs are unique identifiers for properties that indicate a property's location. They are alpha-numeric, and typically span either 17 or 18 characters (including dashes).

  • The Geographic ID will always show dashes in Collin CAD correspondence, but the dashes aren't necessary here -- you can search with or without them...
  • Example: R352400A00301
Owner Information

Tips for searching by Owner Name

  • Property owners' names are stored in "[Last Name] [First Name]" format, but you can also search by "[Last Name], [First Name]".
  • This field supports wildcards; use "*".
  • Example: Parker Peter or Parker, Peter

Tips for searching by Owner ID

Owner IDs are unique identifiers for property owners. They are purely numeric, and can range from one digit to seven digits.

  • This field looks for an exact match on the Owner ID. This is the best way to find a group of properties owned by a single owner if you know the owner's complete Owner ID. If you do not know the owner's complete Owner ID, it is best to leave this field blank.
  • Example: 700993

Tips for Searching by Business Name

  • This field searches against a field that Appraisal District staff commonly refers to as "DBA".
  • This field supports wildcards; use "*".
  • Example: Dunder Mifflin Inc or Dunder Mifflin*

Tips for searching by Agent Name

  • The Agent Name field will help you locate properties represented by a single property tax agent.
  • The Agent Name field supports wildcards. Use the "*" (asterisk) wildcard character if you're unsure of how to spell an agent's name.
  • Example: Dunder Mifflin Inc or Dunder * Inc

Tips for searching by Agent ID

Agent IDs are unique identifiers for property tax agents. They are purely numeric and they are exactly six digits.

  • The Agent ID field looks for an exact match on the Agent ID. This is the best way to find a group of properties represented by a single property tax agent if you know the agent's complete Agent ID. If you do not know the agent's complete Agent ID, it is best to leave this field blank.
  • Example: 1234567
Property Address

Tips for searching by Street Number

  • Street numbers are typically numeric, but can occasionally be alpha-numeric. This field supports both numeric and alpha-numeric street numbers.
  • Street numbers usually range from two digits to five digits.
  • Example: 250

Tips for searching by Street Name

  • Do not include the street name's suffix.
    For instance, if you were looking for properties on "Eldorado Parkway", specify "Eldorado", not "Eldorado Pkwy" or "Eldorado Parkway". This will yield you far-greater results.
  • Example: Eldorado
Legal Description

Tips for searching by Subdivision Code

  • This field supports wildcards; use "*".

Tips for searching by Subdivision Name

  • This field supports wildcards; use "*".

Tips for searching by Block

  • You must define a subdivision; else your criteria here will be ignored.

Tips for searching by Lot Number

  • You must define a subdivision; else your criteria here will be ignored.
Taxing Entities
Search Options
Property Type
Account Status
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