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Appraisal Review Board

An Appraisal Review Board (ARB) is a group of private citizens authorized to resolve disputes between taxpayers and the Appraisal District. ARB members are appointed by the Collin CAD Board of Directors for two-year terms. Although the Appraisal Review Board is funded by the Appraisal District, the ARB is a separate authoritative body. The ARB determines taxpayer protests and taxing unit challenges. The ARB also determines whether the Chief Appraiser has granted or denied exemptions and agricultural appraisals properly. The ARB's decisions are binding only for the year in question. The ARB meets throughout the year on a monthly basis to carry out supplemental duties. Most ARB meetings are open to the public. The ARB establishes its own Procedures and Rules that govern its operations based on the Texas Comptroller's Model Hearing Procedures. For cost saving purposes, the ARB typically meets at the Appraisal District office.

The ARB is accepting applications for new members. Click here for more information.

Click here to see the Collin ARB Hearing Procedures.

The Collin Appraisal Review Board's website is available at the following URL:

Hearing Reschedule Request

Protest Withdrawal