Does the tax ceiling remain the same if the over 65 or disabled person homeowner moves to another home?
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- Published on Monday, 15 October 2012 09:18
No. However, the property owner that is receiving the Over 65 Exemption or the Disabled Person Exemption may transfer the "percentage" of their tax ceiling to a different home in the same or another school district anywhere in the State of Texas. The ceiling on the new home would be calculated to give the homeowner the same percentage of tax paid as the ceiling on the original home. For example: If a homeowner currently has a tax ceiling of $100, but would pay $400 without the ceiling, the percentage of tax paid is 25 percent. If the homeowner moves to another home and the taxes on the new homestead would normally be $1,000 in the first year, the new tax ceiling would be $250 or 25 percent of $1,000.