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Property Tax Protest Filing Deadline Changes for 2018

Due to passage of HB 2228 during the 2017 Texas Legislature, changes were made to the property tax protest filing deadline; the statutory protest deadline was changed to May 15, or 30 days after the delivery of the Notice of Appraised Value, whichever is later.

Notices of Appraised Value for all Real Property will be mailed on April 13, 2018. The Protest Deadline for all Real Property, based on the April 13th mailing date, will be May 15, 2018. The Protest Deadline will be stated in each Notice of Appraised Value.

Notices of Appraised Value for BPP will be split into two mailings. Mailings are scheduled for May 9, 2018 and June 1, 2018. Since every taxable BPP account will be mailed a Notice of Appraised Value, and the minimum protest period of 30 days is later than the May 15th statutory deadline, the protest deadline for a BPP account will be 30 days after the date we mail (deliver) the Notice of Appraised Value. The Protest deadline will be stated in each Notice of Appraised Value.