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I am a disabled veteran. Am I entitled to any property tax exemptions?

There are two different exemptions available to disabled veterans. There is a partial Disabled Veteran Exemption that is available if you are either a service connected disabled veteran who was disabled while serving with the U.S. armed forces, or the surviving spouse of a service-connected disabled veteran. You must be a Texas resident, must provide documentation from the Veteran's Administration reflecting the percentage of your service-connected disability, and your disability rating must be at least ten percent (10%). There is also a 100% Disabled Veteran Homestead Exemption you may qualify for on your resident homestead if you have a service-connected disability rating of 100% or individual unemployability from the Veteran’s Administration and you receive 100% disability compensation from the VA. If you qualify for this exemption, 100% of the value of your residence homestead will be exempted. You may apply for this exemption anytime during the year in which you qualify. The surviving spouse of a 100% Disabled Veteran Homestead Exemption may continue this exemption if the deceased veteran qualified for the exemption on the residence in the year they died.